Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Zebrafish- Danio rerio


50 Questions pertaining my experiment: 

  1. What mutant am I working with?
  2. How many phenotypes are visible?
  3. How many Wildtype Zebrafish are in each tank?
  4. Why do only the females matter in the beginning?
  5. Why am I studying this specific mutant?
  6. What purpose does Methanol serve in each well?
  7. How long can the Zebrafish survive in Tricaine?
  8. How long does it take for a fin to grow back after clipping?
  9. Does the fish die as soon as part of the tissue is accidentally clipped?
  10. How much DNA is used from the fin snip?

  1. What are the genes of each Zebrafish?
  2. What are the genes of each tank on an average?
  3. How many are homozygous?
  4. How many are heterozygous?
  5. How many are recombinant? 
  6. How do we know when we are closer to the marker?
  7. How many genes per marker?
  8. How many genes per map?
  9. How many markers per map?
  10. Once one gene is found on a marker, am I closer to the next gene or marker?

  1. What is PCR?
  2. What is denaturation? 
  3. What is annealing?
  4. What is extension?
  5. Why is the standard temperature 94 degrees Celsius? 
  6. What does the lysis buffer do?
  7. How is lysis tested?
  8. How much of lysis is needed to run a test?
  9. What is Taq? 
  10. What is the 10x PCR buffer's purpose?

  1. What does the dNTP solution do?
  2. Why is the gel in 3%? 
  3. What is agarose?
  4. What is the purpose of using agarose for the gel? 
  5. What is the purpose of Ethidium Bromide?
  6. Why is Ethidium Bromide highly toxic?
  7. What is the loading buffer?
  8. How do the molecules become negative?
  9. What is 100bp DNA ladder?
  10. How does the gel make the poles attract?

  1. What is each band on the DNA ladder?
  2. What is the measurement between each band?
  3. What does one band indicate?
  4. What do two bands indicate?
  5. How is a wildtype visible?
  6. How is a recombinant known?
  7. How long does the DNA sit for?
  8. What is the maximum time the DNA is "good" for?
  9. How do I know when I found the closest distance between each marker?
  10. How many genes per marker?

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