Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Who am I working with?

     I work with a Post- Doc named Ricardo in the Cell and Developmental Biology Laboratory in the University of Pennsylvania. He is from Chile and has worked with Zebrafish there for about 10 years. He gained interest in cytoplasmic movement in Zebrafish embryos. He came to the University of Pennsylvania in the year 2000, studying biology and cellular movement. He also learned to appreciate genetics and expand his knowledge on the cytoplasm. That is most likely what makes research the most enthusiastic- applying previous knowledge to learning new things. Since he has already had previous experience with Zebrafish and cells, he had advancements for the Cell and developmental biology laboratory. The passion I observe throughout this entire laboratory inspires me to want to be a scientist. Most substantially, this inspires me to be a scientist in this exact field. Outside of the lab, they live their regular lives with their spouses and children. The undergrads focus on schoolwork, while the post docs and other grads join various clubs or talks around campus, and bike about everywhere! Ricardo has been in this specific lab with Dr. Mullins for two years and he has two left! Then it's back to Chile or even Germany! 

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