Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Cross visits

Geuill showed me her in-class lab.
She showed me how to germinate seeds quickly and how to add the concentrations.

To germinate she said to:
  1. Rehydrate the seeds in water overnight
  2. Wet coffee filter 
  3. Place five seeds in the filter 
  4. Place in plastic bag and fill it with air to simulate greenhouse effect

Spring Plan

My Plan is definitely to add more, more, and more data!

My experiment will change because I will be: 

  • Testing each marker
  • Finding new recombinants
  • Making PCR's for previous markers
My experiment will have additional data such as:
  • New markers
  • New recombinant fish
  • New intervals
  • New genes to locate for clues
Additionally, I will learn:
  • How to PCR the recombinants from markers z24206 and z17291
  • How to correlate all of the existing results
  • How to check the genome to find how many genes are in between (http://www.ensembl.org/Danio_rerio/Info/Index)
  • Process for sequencing
To make more effort I will:
  • Do more research on my own
  • Take note of things I learned from the Cancer Association Meeting that we attended

Reflection on PJAS

I felt strongly about my work. As soon as I begin presenting, I feel like I am not just presenting a powerpoint about zebra fish, but that I am presenting something a part of me, which is research. As soon as I start, there is no stopping me because I get passionate about sharing my discoveries. I was able to communicate my work in both a scientific and relatable way. 

The judges had many questions about whether the genome of a zebrafish was published, how long this project takes, and what my next steps were, since I have no found the exact location yet. 

Overall, I believe that they enjoyed the project. My next steps are to add data! I need to narrow the interval even more, since there are to many genes in between to simply sequence!

Research Paper- Proof of first page

Research Plan

2014-2015 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science

By Maria Isaev

Advanced Research

Ms. Cohen

Research Plan

A. Question

  • What is the molecular identity of the 08bdth/spotty gene located on chromosome 2?
  • How  could Spotty regulate cytoplasmic segregation during zebrafish early development?

Research Update!

This week I have cleaned out every male from the facility (since the male fish are not necessary)! I have also continued genotyping and committing my results.
Success: The cleanup took hours, but it was successful
Challenge: Euthanizing the fish is always a bad feeling:/
Question: Why is euthanizing the disposal method for fish?

Research Update!

This week I have continued to work with my new markers: z11023 and z11415.
Success: Genotyping the fish
Challenge: Remembering to use different stock solutions/ buffers
Question: If the gene is closer to z24206 and z11023, then what is next?

Abstract for JSHS

Fishing for the Gene- Narrowing the interval to identify the molecular nature of a new recessive maternal-effect gene
Maria Isaev
Central High School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ms. Galeet Cohen, teacher/ Ricardo Fuentes, mentor/ Dr. Mullins, sponsor

The 08bdth/spotty maternal-effect mutant was isolated and mapped after a four-generation crossing strategy of chemically-mutated zebrafish. By the use of Simple Sequence Length Polymorphic (SSLP) markers, the 08bdth/spotty gene was mapped on chromosome 2 between markers z24206 at 45.5 cM (centiMorgans) and z17291 at 52.4 cM. In this project, I focus on narrowing the genetic and physical interval containing the 08bdth/spotty gene by finding new genetic markers positioned closer to the mutation. The two questions I am asking are: What is the molecular identity of the 08bdth/spotty gene located on chromosome 2 and how  could spotty regulate cytoplasmic segregation during Zebrafish early development. Narrowing the DNA interval will allow me to identify the molecular nature of a new recessive maternal-effect gene, the 08bdth/spotty gene, which regulates cytoplasmic segregation during zebrafish early development. After finding recombinants between markers z24206 and z17291, I have concluded that the gene is located closer to market z24206.

Research Update!

This week I have been analyzing the results I have so far. I have concluded that the gene is closer to marker Z24206 because it had 8/240 recombinant, in comparison to z17291, which had 9.
Success: The result does not seem significant, but it is!
Challenge: Creating a chart to prove so
Question: What is my next step?