Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Spring Plan

My Plan is definitely to add more, more, and more data!

My experiment will change because I will be: 

  • Testing each marker
  • Finding new recombinants
  • Making PCR's for previous markers
My experiment will have additional data such as:
  • New markers
  • New recombinant fish
  • New intervals
  • New genes to locate for clues
Additionally, I will learn:
  • How to PCR the recombinants from markers z24206 and z17291
  • How to correlate all of the existing results
  • How to check the genome to find how many genes are in between (http://www.ensembl.org/Danio_rerio/Info/Index)
  • Process for sequencing
To make more effort I will:
  • Do more research on my own
  • Take note of things I learned from the Cancer Association Meeting that we attended

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