Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Zebrafish- Danio rerio

My Equipment!

I have many, many materials being used in the laboratory. Each set of procedures includes various materials, which are all vital to my experiment. 

When identifying recombinants and narrowing the physical interval that
contains 08bdth/spotty gene, I begin with fin- clipping, therefore I must use

  • 12-48 Zebrafish from a designated 08bdth tank
  • 1 large mouse cage for the 48 fish 
  • 1 tank net, 1 blue net to retrieve and select the fish 
  • Individual smaller mouse boxes labeled depending on the amount of fish and wells
  • Tricaine Solution and individual mating box to anesthetize the fish 
  • Tea strainer to retrieve fish from Tricaine
  • Petri Dish to clip the tail in 
  • Razor Blade to clip the tail 
  • Tooth pics to separate the tail 
  • 96- Well Plate to put each tail clipping in

Then I begin Lysis for DNA extraction, for this I need: 
  • 96-well plate with methanol and fin clips
  • Pipette tip connected to a vacuum source to remove methanol 
  • 55 ÂșC incubator to incubate over night 
  • Lysis Buffer to lyse the cells 
The next day, after incubation, I must Create Master Mix. For the master mix, there is a working solution for designated markers. For this I need, 
  • Stock Solution and working solutions for each marker, for the PCR
  • DNA for amplification
  • Centrifuge to spin down the well plate with the solution for PCR
  • PCR machine used to amplify the DNA

After the PCR reaction, I must create a gel. For the gel electrophoresis, it is essential to have a: 

  • Gel chamber for seperation and analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein along with other fragments, based on their size and charge. 
Lastly, I must use the BIO RAD Ultraviolet imaging camera to take pictures of the gel, revealing base pairs. 

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