Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Zebrafish- Danio rerio

Procedure Description

I have recently learn how to multi- fish fin clip. (Original name I have created).  This is a step- up from the previous fin clipping because it enables me to clip 3x quicker.

To multi- fish fin clip:

Prepare a well plate filled with 100 uL of methanol.

1) In the fish facility, create a solution of 0.02% Tricaine (10 mL of 0.4% Tricaine solution, 190 mL of system water. 200 mL total)
2) Remove fish from designated tank, into a larger mouse box.
2) Set up single boxes and label according to each well.
3) Add the Tricaine solution with water, into a separate single box.
4) Select 3-5 fish using a net, and leave them in the Tricaine solution to anesthetize.
5) Remove one fish at a time, and transfer to a petri dish. Using a toothpick, separate the tail and clip a part of the fish's fin with a razor blade.
6) Use the toothpick to put the tail in the designated well.
7) Put the fish into the corresponding single box and repeat with the other fish.

The purpose is to fin clip more fish in a day, by saving time. I feel confident doing it, since I have had months of practice fin clipping one fish at a time. This fits into the next step for the day, which is the Lysis step. 

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